The Workout

4 Rounds:

400m Run, 65 Air Squats, 35 Burpee Pull-ups

Two divisions:

1. Individual: All movements and reps are completed by a single individual.

2. Team (2-4 members): All members complete the run portions together. During other movements, reps may be divided as necessary, but one member must be working at all times. All reps of a single movement must be completed prior to the team beginning the next movement.

Movement standards and scaling:

65 Air Squats: Full squats performed to below parallel position (hip crease below knee).

35 Burpees to Pull-ups: A complete burpee (chest and thighs touching ground to standing position) followed by one pull-up with chin above bar level.

Scaling may be performed by using a step-up box for "jumping" pull-ups, or by the use of band assisted pull-ups or ring-rows. If such scaling is used, complete the burpees and pull-ups separately. If participants are unable to complete a pull-up, complete a full burpee, jump and touch the pull-up bar.

400 Meter Run: leaving the workout area, run to the designated mark and return.

Time Limits: We recommend a 60 minute time cap for completion of the WOD for both divisions.